Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Most Famous Wildfire Photograph Ever Taken
The Most Famous Wildfire Photograph Ever Taken Some consider the image shown, taken by an observant wildland firefighter, to be one of the most beautiful photographs of both wildfire and wildlife taking refuge. The photo was taken on August 6, 2000, by John McColgan who was a fire behavior expert working under a cooperative agreement with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and attached to an Alaskan Type I Incident Management Team on a Montana wildfire.​ McColgan says he was at the perfect spot with his Kodak DC280 digital camera when fire conditions and wildlife activity combined to create his image. The pic was saved as just another image file in the new type of digital camera. McColgan finished his work for the BLM and returned to his home in Fairbanks, Alaska. He could not be found for days after one of those pictures turned viral and spread quickly over the Internet. One of his elk and fire snapshots has fast become one of the most downloaded environmental photos of wildlife and wildfire on the Internet. Rob Chaney, a reporter for the Montana Missoulian suggested that there were multiple reasons this photo was so great. Here are some of the comments reported: Best darned elk photo Ive ever seen.Best darned fire photo Ive ever seen.Best darned photo, period, Ive ever seen. From the Official Record The famous photo was taken on a Sunday, in the late evening where several fires burned together near Sula, Montana (population 37) and turned into one large 100,000-acre wildfire. McColgan just happened to be standing on a bridge crossing the East Fork of the Bitterroot River in the Sula Complex of the Bitterroot National Forest in the state of Montana where he took what is now called his elk bath digital Image. McColgan was employed by the Alaska Fire service and was on loan to Montana and acting as an expert on wildfire behavior. McColgan just happened to be a contract fire analyst with a new camera and took digital pictures of two elk who escaped the fire by wading in the Bitterroot River. No big deal. As a natural resource professional, McColgan understood both wildfire and wildlife. When asked about the elk, he assured that they know where to go, where their safe zones are...a lot of wildlife did get driven down there to the river. There were some bighorn sheep there. A small deer was standing right underneath me, under the bridge. McColgan completed his assignment and left for home. The Search for McColgan The digital image he took was sent from one person to another person and according to the Montana Missoulian within about 24 hours the elk photo had world-wide-webbed its way across the West. For about a week now, theres been a medium-size manhunt underway across the West. The man everyones been hunting for is John McColgan of Fairbanks. The Nation and the World were sending emails and making phone calls for weeks to find out just who took the images of the wildfire and wildlife. It was the newspaper Missoulian in Montana who finally solved the mystery and tracked McColgan down. He had indeed been in Montana and was now in Fairbanks attending the birth of his son, where the paper finally found him and where he told reporter Rob Chaney that he had taken the picture. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. McColgan confirmed that he had been in fire protection for years and that this particular fire ranked in the top three extreme fire behavior events he had ever seen. Rob Chaney in response to the photo wrote that many people have never even seen an elk. Most of those who have, even those whove seen thousands of them, never get to see an image like this. Most people dont get to see a fire like this, either. Thanks to McColgan and Rob Chaney, millions of people have seen this stunning image. McColgans image went viral and eventually was picked as a Time Magazine favorite.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Asking for Directions in English
Asking for Directions in English Asking for directions is important, but its also easy to become confused when listening to someone giving directions. This is true even in your own native language, so you can imagine how important it is to pay careful attention when listening to someone provide directions in English! Here are a few suggestions and tips to help you remember the directions as someone gives them to you. Take 2nd rightGo 300 yardsTake 1st left at the stop signGo 100 yards the shop is on your left. Make sure to ask the person giving directions to repeat and/or slow down.In order to help out, repeat each direction the person gives. This will help both you remember the names of streets, turns, etc., as well as help the person giving directions provide clear instructions.Make visual notes while the person describes the route.Once the person has given you directions, repeat the entire set of directions again. Here is a short dialogue. A number of questions are asked during this short scene. You may notice that some of these questions are not asked using the standard question form (e.g. Where do I go?), but that polite forms are used (indirect questions e.g. I wonder if you can help me.). These questions are often longer and are used in order to be polite. The meaning does not change, only the structure of the question (Where do you come from becomes Would you mind telling where you come from?). Giving Directions Bob: Excuse me, Im afraid I cant find a bank. Do you know where one is?Frank: Well, there are a few banks near here. Do you have a particular bank in mind? Bob: Im afraid I dont. I just need to withdraw some money from either a teller or an ATM.Frank: OK, thats easy. Bob: Im going by car.Frank: Well, in that case, go straight ahead on this street until the third traffic light. Take a left there, and continue on until you come to a stop sign. Bob: Do you know what the name of the street is?Frank: Yes, I think its Jennings Lane. Now, when you come to the stop sign, take the street on the left. Youll be on 8th Avenue. Bob: OK, I go straight ahead on this street to the third traffic light. Thats Jennings lane.Frank: Yes, thats right. Bob: Then I continue on to the stop sign and take a right on 8th Avenue.Frank: No, take a left at the stop sign onto 8th Avenue. Bob: Oh, thanks. Whats next?Frank: Well, continue on 8th Avenue for about 100 yards, past a supermarket until you come to another traffic light. Take a left and continue on for another 200 yards. Youll see the bank on the right. Bob: Let me repeat that: I go about 100 yards, past a supermarket to the traffic light. I take a left and continue for another 200 yards. The bank is on the right.Frank: Yes, thats it! Bob: OK. Can I repeat this to see if Ive understood everything?Frank: Certainly. Bob: Go straight ahead until the third traffic light. Take a left, and continue on to the stop sign. Turn left onto 8th Avenue.Frank: Yes, thats right. Bob: Go past the supermarket, to another traffic light, take the first left and Ill see the bank on the left.Frank: Almost, youll see the bank on the right, after 200 yards or so. Bob: Well, thank you very much for taking the time to explain this to me!Frank: Not at all. Enjoy your visit! Bob: Thank you.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Colosseum as an enormous triumphal monument Essay
Colosseum as an enormous triumphal monument - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that building of the Colosseum started under Emperor’s Vespasian rule around the 70-72 AD. This construction was funded by the spoils that were retrieved from the Jewish Temple after Jerusalem was taken over. The location chosen in constructing the Colosseum was a flat region on the floor of a valley amid the Palatine, Esquiline, and Caelian Hills., all the way through which a canalized watercourse ran. By the second century, this area was densely populated. The Great Fire of Rome devastated the area in AD 64. After the occurrence of this event, Nero grabbed a bigger part of the area adding a lot to his personal domain. Nero built the grandiose Domus Aurea on the location, creating a man-made lake that had pavilions, porticoes, and gardens surrounding it. The Aqua Claudia that existed was extended in supplying water to the locality and the gigantic bronze, Nero’s Colossus was mounted nearby at the Domus Aurea entrance. Even th ough the Colossus was conserved, to a great extent of the Domus Aurea was taken down. The land was used again as an area for the latest Flavian Amphitheatre and the lake was filled. Gladiatorial schools and various support buildings were developed nearby within the Domus Aurea former grounds. As stated in reconstructed writing found at the location, â€Å"emperor Vespasian ordered this new amphitheater to be erected from his general’s share of the booty.†This is believed to refer to the immense treasure the Romans seized after they won the Great Jewish revolt in the 70 AD.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Genocide in Sudan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Genocide in Sudan - Essay Example This essay describes the events, that began when the African tribes of the Dafur region of Sudan rebelled against the Arab government in Khartoum. The government, led by the National Islamic Front, suffered initial reverses at the hands of the rebel groups, the Sudan Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement. Tied down by the ongoing civil war in the South, Khartoum devised a vicious counterstrategy. A tribal Arab militia, was unleashed in Dafur with carte blanche to crush the rebels. Thus began one of the most diabolical campaigns in the history of mankind, aimed at wiping out the African tribes of Dafur. With a mortality rate of 450,000, this is an unequivocal instance of genocide which requires immediate action from the international community. Fact-finding missions, humanitarian agencies, and the media have all documented the atrocities. This essay discusses term genocide and analyzes hard facts. From media accounts to the heartrending testimonials of survivors, attes t that what is happening in Sudan is â€Å"a government backed campaign to wipe out a race†.The genocide in Sudan is there for all the world to see. Over three years of indifference, prevarication and self-interest has kept the world deliberately blind. In conclusion, the researcher states that the international community should not be held to ransom by considerations of political alignments or the dictates of the marketplace. After all, those 32,000 barrels of oil per day, which is Sudan’s output, do not have to be paid for with the blood of Dafurs’ Africans.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How to be a good student Essay Example for Free
How to be a good student Essay To become a good student, you need to get motivated! Motivation can come from seeing the situation of many poor children around the world who are not lucky enough to get a proper education. This is a good thing to keep in mind when you find yourself not wanting to attend class or study at home. Another reason to get motivated to study is that you will enjoy a better quality of life as an educated person. You can go to educational websites, like this one, and surf them with interest. You must not force yourself to study, as this will make learning a chore and you will not feel like even opening your books. You will have many academically good students in your courses. Try becoming friends with them (or encourage your current friends to be better students), and youll be immersed in an academic environment which will help you feel motivated! Above all, you need confidence! For that, we need to feel that we are working for ourselves and not for others! Good luck! Chapter 2 Concentration On Studies Concentration follows eagerness. This section provides you with the basics of Concentration and also provides you with advice as to how to get aroused with concentration. You need to pay attention in a class. Dont start chatting with your peers/friends when the teacher turns their back to you. Even better; dont associate with distracting people. You should realize that the people in your class play an important role in how everybody progresses. However, if you are a good student you will do better and achieve your goals. Your friends will be there for you at that time, if they are trustful and of a good reputation. At home, study and do your homework in a place that doesnt make you sleep. It is advisable to have a dedicated study table or desk. Dont do your study work on the bed or in front of the TV, radio, stereo, etc. That would be pointless because you are meant to be thinking about your studies.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Creator Speaking Through His Creation :: essays research papers
Prospero’s epilogue at the conclusion of The Tempest provides interesting parallels to its author’s life. Written near the end of his career, numerous scholars suggest that it is Shakespeare’s written farewell. Just as Shakespeare sculpts a world from nothing, Prospero authors the events on the island. Prospero’s monologue flows naturally with they story and provides a natural ending to the work. He describes the loss of his magical power at the beginning of his monologue when he says, â€Å"My charms are all o’erthrown, and what strength I have’s mine own, which is most faint.†He remains â€Å"confined†on the Island because he has already â€Å"pardoned the deceiver†and does not wish to return as the Duke of Naples. He follows this with a peculiar request of those listening to â€Å"release me from my bands with the help of your good hands.†This could be seen literally as a request of the audience to clap so that the sails of the boats will be filled, for his friends’ return trip home. <?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Contrast this to what Shakespeare is voicing through Prospero. "Now that my charms are all o'erthrown, and what strength I have's mine own,†takes on a new meaning. Now his plays have ended, and anything more he yearns to say can only come directly from him, not through his characters. Furthermore, the "Island" or stage Shakespeare is on is now "bare†and it is time for the audience to release him and his from the play with the "help of [y]our good hands.†Not only was he requesting release from the performance, but from his career as a playwright. In addition, the audience’s pleasure fills his sails, or makes him happy. If no one finds pleasure in his works then what he sent out to accomplish has not been achieved. Finally, after separating the perspectives, one can see how
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Boy at the Window
â€Å"Boy at the Window†Response Charlotte Schroeder Ashford University 03/18/2013 ENG 125 Instructor Abby Forster Poetry is very emotional and speaks about real life experiences; poems have rhythm and feelings, delight and surprise. â€Å"There are three things, after all, a poem must reach the eye, the ear, and what we may call the heart or the mind. It is most important of all reach the heart of the reader. †(cited in Clugston, 2010, Frost) In reading Boy at the Window, by Richard Wilbur, it creates a unique look and feeling in response to a child and a snowman.The author explains in our textbook that it was written, â€Å"After seeing how distressed his five-year old son was about a snowman they had built. †(cited in Clugston, 2010) The message and theme is about how a little boy becomes sad after building a snowman and seeing him outside all alone and sad. Wilbur uses different literary elements to draw strong emotions and express fear of losing a friend/ loved one. The author shows us two different points of view in this poem, first with the young boy and then with the cold snowman. In the first few lines the reader thinks that the young boy is crying about the snowman and how petrified he may be.The boy sees the snowman, while looking out his window he is all alone and by himself. Then the wind is heard from the boy picking up and starts feeling what the snowman might be feeling. There is so much compassion and heartbreak that the boy feels for the snowman at this time. The use of personification is shown while Wilbur states, â€Å"the pale faced figure with bituemen eyes return him a God-forsaken stare. †(cited in Clugston, 2010, â€Å"Boy at the Window†, 6) I believe the author Wilbur was creating a unique situation; he uses great personifications for the snowman. Personification is a figure of speech formed when qualities normally associated with a person are attributed to abstract things or inanimate objects. â⠂¬ (cited in Clugston, 2010) The snowman is the conent, he did not want to go inside the house yet as he looked at the young boys cry. Since the snowman would melt if he went into the heated room, he decides to stay outside even though the boy was crying. However, the snowman’s heart is moved from the boys cry, but cannot live in his world. â€Å"The man of snow is, nonetheless, content, having no wish to go inside and die.Still, he is moved to see the youngster cry. †(cited in Clugston, 2010, â€Å"Boy at the Window†9) The poem creates a feeling of fear and the unknown of what will happen in the afterlife. It is very sad to see a young child cry since they do not understand yet and will have to go through these hard life situations to really understand it. In the poem Wilbur made the character of the snowman human which created human characteristics to allow the reader get involved. Human nature brings out so many emotions with us and makes us feel compassi on for others. An allusion is a reference a writer makes to a recognized literary work, a person, a historic event, or an artistic achievement to clarify the meaning of an action or a detail in a story, poem, or drama. †(cited in Clugston, 2010) The allusion is shown in Wilbur’s poem, â€Å"Return to him such a God-forsaken stare. As outcast Adam gave to paradise. †(cited in Clugston, 2010, â€Å"Boy at the Window†, 7&8) This is a religious and biblical reference referring to Adam and Eve. Adam’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden represents believers of the scripture.I believe that he was making a statement of fear of not able to help the boy from fear and evil. The language is very strong in its meanings in this poem and makes you feel it with word choices. The temptations of entering their worlds would bring great harm and there was nothing they could do or say to be with each other. There is also a simile used in the line of Adam and the Garden of Eden allusion, the snowman is starring at the poor boy and cannot grasp him, just like Adam was looking at the paradise that was no longer his but just steps away.Irony is also characterized in this poem, the boy expects that the snowman will always be there as a friend. However, that was not the case, the snowman melted and died in the boys mind. The imagination language was very interesting and was full of surprise. The form of this poem was free verse, â€Å"This shown by its irregular rhythm and the lines vary in length and lack in rhyme,†it really made the reader follow the poem easily and made you stay interested in it. cited in Clugston, 2010) However, the author makes you feel that he is loved by the family by warmth inside, â€Å"For the child at the bright pane surrounded by such warmth, such light, such love, and so much fear. †(cited in Clugston, 2010, â€Å"Boy at the Window†15) This makes you feel that the boy has so much fear of death, but still has loved ones to pick him back up. I feel that I could relate to this feeling since I have made so many snowmen in my childhood and lost them all. I can think back and reminisce on how bad I felt when I saw my new friend disappear.Losing a loved one can be hard; I can relate this also to a child losing a pet, there are no words to even describe how painful it is. I lost a pet as a child and it tour my heart out since my pet would do anything just to stay with me, even if it meant suffering to no end. In life you have to experience hardship and bad situations, it is a learning curve and teaches you about life and death. Poems are so important in our society; they help to get feelings out and express real life situations in a poetic rhythm way.We face so many hard choices and have to let them be interpreted, â€Å"From an economic and cultural sphere increasingly dominated by finance capitol and advertising-gives it a chance to play a vital cultural role in an era of pressing ecological and ecological and economic crisis. †(Roberts, 2010) The use of the literary elements in Wilbur’s poem affects my response since he uses point of view from both the characters. He used his real life experiences to let the readers connect with his own feeling and this makes it more real. By using literary elements, it pulls out what message he is trying to get across in his poem.This poem used personification, language, free verse, and allusions to get the readers feelings in touch with the message. References Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into literature. Retrieved from: https://content. ashford. edu/books DiYanni, R. (2007) Literature; Reading fiction, poetry, and Drama. Boston: McGraw Hill Retrieved from://www. ashford. edu/ebooks/host Roberts, A. October 20 (2010). The Righteous Skeptic’s Guide to Reading Poetry. The Alantic Monthly Group. Retrieved from: https://www. thealantic. com
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Reverse Osmosis for Wastewater Recycling Essay
Reusing treated wastewater for beneficial purposes, such as agricultural and landscape irrigation, industrial processes, toilet flushing, or groundwater basin replenishment, is growing in response to environmental and economic concerns. One of the key factors involved in recycling wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent for another use is the need to reduce total dissolved solids (TDS). This is often done by using a reverse osmosis (RO) system, which relies on pressure differential to force a solution (in this case, water) through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. While extremely effective on biologically treated wastewater, RO systems need to be coupled with an effective pretreatment system to avoid common issues that can result in system failure, including plugging, fouling, and scaling. One of the most effective pretreatment options for wastewater applications is membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology, in which a membrane process like ultrafiltration (UF) or microfiltration is combined with a suspended growth bioreactor. MBR provides high quality feed water to the RO, minimizes footprint and the cost of civil works, and reduces treatment plant downtime, thereby reducing operating costs. Koch Membrane Systems’ PURON ® submerged MBR technology has successfully been used as the pretreatment option for challenging industrial and municipal water reuse RO systems, and can help make water recycling technologies more cost-effective. Reverse Osmosis Systems Present Challenges for Water Reuse Pretreatment methods are critical when designing RO systems. For example, RO membranes used for most water reuse applications contain a brine spacer, typically made of low density polyethylene mesh netting. If there is a high level of suspended solids in the feed water, this brine spacer can become plugged. Another issue is the high levels of organics contained in many biologically treated wastewaters, which are rejected by the RO membrane and progressively concentrated as the water flows across the membranes. This concentration of organics can foul the membrane, especially towards the RO system outlet. Biofouling can also occur, because the organics in wastewater make an excellent food source for microorganisms. Also, some treated wastewaters contain high levels of bacteria, so biogrowth may occur quickly even if RO feed water is disinfected. Finally, calcium phosphate scaling can cause problems with RO systems operating on some wastewaters. The scaling can be mitigated by operating at lower water recovery, using acid or other antiscalant to minimize scaling, or modifying the operating conditions of the WWTP to reduce the amount of phosphate in the RO feed. These plugging, fouling, and scaling issues mean that the RO system needs to be operated at higher pressures, leading to increased power consumption, increased chemical costs for cleaning, and a shorter membrane life. How can these challenges be minimized and overall water reuse system lifecycle costs reduced? Effective pretreatment of the feedwater before it flows through the RO system is the answer, provided that the pretreatment steps are chosen carefully to ensure that the RO system can work as intended. Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment Options There are many different pretreatment options, and the best for a particular process depends on power, chemical, labor and land costs, wastewater source, and the existing wastewater treatment system. Conventional Pretreatment The conventional effluent pretreatment scheme might be primary treatment, biological treatment and, the most crucial part of the process, solids-liquid separation using secondary clarification. The conventional sedimentation process often doesn’t remove enough bacteria and suspended solids, so sand filtration may be added to improve the solids-liquid separation and provide higher quality water to feed the RO system. Using ferric chloride along with the sand filtration may enhance solids and organics removal. However, upsets in the secondary clarifier can lead to effluent with higher levels of TSS and BOD, causing plugging of the brine spacer with suspended solids and organic fouling. Also, power consumption for RO systems with this type of pretreatment tends to be high, and membrane life is often quite short. Lime-softening has been somewhat more successful in protecting the RO membranes, but this increases operating costs and does not totally prevent fouling of RO membranes. Ultrafiltration Improves Suspended Solids Removal As RO Pretreatment Many of today’s water reuse systems use an ultrafiltration (UF) pretreatment step to emove suspended solids. These systems typically use hollow fiber UF membranes, which do an excellent job of providing water with low suspended solids to feed the RO system. However, the UF system is an extra treatment step, requiring additional footprint, and adding to operating costs. The UF system may also be susceptible to upsets from a conventional WWTP, which can further increase its operating costs. Membrane Bioreactor As RO Pretreatment With an MBR, the UF membranes are submerged in the activated sludge to combine the biological step and the solid-liquid separation into a single process. The membrane acts as a barrier, which improves the effluent quality. The MBR eliminates the secondary clarifier and does not rely on gravity for liquid-solids separation and so allows the activated sludge to operate with a higher mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration. The increased MLSS concentration reduces bioreactor tank volume, saving footprint and capital construction costs. Overall, the MBR process reduces footprint significantly compared to the combination of conventional activated sludge followed by sand filtration or ultrafiltration. The footprint savings due to the wastewater treatment plant alone can be as much as 50 percent, along with additional footprint savings from eliminating other filtration steps. Using MBR technology also simplifies the overall treatment train, minimizing the number of unit operations. Benefits Of Koch Membrane Systems’ PURON MBR Technology Koch Membrane Systems’ PURON submerged hollow fiber UF module offers robust, cost effective solutions for RO pretreatment. The patented membrane module contains hollow fibers, the lower ends of which are fixed in a header. The upper ends are individually sealed and are free to move laterally, as shown in Figure 1. The PURON module is submerged in the mixed liquor. All solids and particulates remain on the outside of the fibers while permeate flows in an outside-in pattern by means of a vacuum that evacuates permeate through the inside of the hollow fiber. | The free moving fibers, combined with central air scour aeration, ensure stable filtration during plant operation, long membrane life, and lower operating costs due to reduced need for energy, cleaning and maintenance. PURON MBR has been used successfully as the pretreatment step for a number of challenging industrial wastewater systems. For example, a Belgian firm that manufactures chemicals for film processing and printing uses large amounts of fresh water for cleaning and production. The firm began reusing its wastewater to reduce its fresh water costs, and selected an RO system to produce water with the low salt and nitrogen content required for its process. The firm installed a PURON submerged hollow fiber MBR as the pretreatment step prior to the RO, and the system has been operating successfully since 2005. Another example is an Australian malt-producing company that sought to reduce its use of fresh water by recycling its wastewater. PURON MBR technology was selected as the pretreatment step for the RO system, since it provided the best quality water to feed the RO while minimizing overall operating costs. The MegaMagnum ® RO system recovers the MBR effluent as product water for reuse. The system has been running since 2006. In fact, the RO permeate quality is equal to or better than the local potable water supply. Space & Cost Considerations Treatment operation footprint is a primary consideration in developing the best treatment system. Since the PURON MBR system reduces the volume of the bioreactor tanks and eliminates the secondary clarifier, the footprint for an MBR process is much smaller than tertiary filtration steps with sand filtration or UF. If space is limited, MBR may be the only pretreatment choice that fits in the available space. Other considerations include costs of land, civil works, equipment, power, chemicals and labor, and the payback period used. High land and civil costs tend to favor MBR use. For large municipal treatment facilities requiring RO as a final treatment step, an MBR should compare favorably to conventional wastewater treatment as a pretreatment step prior to RO. In a 20-year analysis the municipality should realize savings in RO membrane replacement and power as a result of the MBR pretreatment step. For an industrial company looking at a short payback, the preference for conventional or MBR technology will depend on the relative cost of civil works and land versus the equipment cost. Conclusions Using RO systems to reclaim and recycle wastewater effluent is growing rapidly, and Koch Membrane System’s PURON MBR technology is now being considered as the pretreatment option for an increasing number of industrial and municipal reuse applications. The PURON submerged membrane modules provide high quality feed water to the RO, minimize footprint and the cost of civil works, and reduce the susceptibility of the RO treatment train to upsets. PURON is a trademark of Koch Membrane Systems GmbH and is registered in Austria, Benelux, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. MegaMagnum is a registered trademark of Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Wastewater Recycling for the Stone Fabrication Industry As a stone fabricator you’re looking for a wastewater treatment system that keeps you in compliance, but wouldn’t it be nice to save some money too? That’s where our wastewater recycling and treatment systems come in. These zero discharge, closed loop systems collect the water you use for polishing, cutting, and other processes; cleans it thoroughly, and recycles it so you can use it again. Your wastewater is never discharged into the public system during this process, so you have no chance of being out of compliance. Between the money you’ll save on non-compliance fees and the reduced cost of your water bill, the return on your investment will be substantial. And because we use the most durable, well-designed components on the market in each wastewater recycling system, you can be sure this system will run efficiently for as long as you need it to. We even design and manufacture some of those components in house, including: * Filter presses * Clarifier systems * Chlorine dioxide generators * Control panels * More The solid, smart construction of our zero discharge wastewater recycling systems results in a wide variety of beneficial features, including automation options, expandable filter presses that can accommodate your business as it grows, the ability to accommodate flow rates for 10 GPM – 200 GPM, the ability to filter solids water down to below 1 micron, and more.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hydroponics3 essays
Hydroponics3 essays Imagine being able to grow plants and/or crops everyday of the year in smaller spaces without the use of any soil. Hydroponics is a soiless agriculture that does just this. The idea for the use of plant growth without any soil was developed in the eighteen hundreds. Hydroponic gardening is an old idea yet new methods have been formed to give you three hydroponic gardening options. These three options are defined by uses of different mediums. Fifteen to twenty minutes of care per day can produce beautiful plants and enough food to feed one family a day. Hydroponic environments are indoors so weather changes do not effect them. All mediums use certain solutions which vary with different types of mediums. Hydroponic environments are easy to build and easy to take care of and the advantages are great. This form of agriculture is one of man's simple yet helpful ideas that can better the earth and it's people. Hydroponics is a soiless agriculture that was originally used for growing plants in the winter. Hydroponic agriculture is also known as soiless agriculture, nutriculture, or chemical culture. Hydroponic plants can be gardened in several different ways. Hydroponics uses different nutrient solutions to ensure better plant life. Plants need nutrients and moisture to survive and soil provides this. When hydroponic gardening is used these necessities increase and the plant lives a fuller and more beautiful life. As it was already mentioned, the advantages of hydroponic gardening are great. It was also already mentioned that hydroponic gardening reduces the amount of space used and can be grown all year long. But this is only the beginning of the advantages of hydroponic gardening. People who have hydroponic gardens don't have to put up with soil-borne pests and diseases and they don't have to pull any weeds. Food crops grow and mature at a much faster rate in non-soi...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definition and Examples of Subordination in English
Definition and Examples of Subordination in English Subordination in English grammar is the process of linking two clauses in a sentence so that one clause is dependent on (or subordinate to) another. Clauses joined by coordination are called main clauses or independent clauses. This is in contrast to subordination, in which a subordinate clause (for example, an adverb clause or an adjective clause) is attached to the main clause. Clausal subordination is often (but not always) indicated by a subordinating conjunction in the case of adverb clauses or a relative pronoun in the case of adjective clauses. Examples and Observations In the sentence, I swear that I didnt dream it, where one clause is part of the other, we have subordination. The higher clause, i.e., the whole sentence, is the main clause and the lower clause is a sub-clause. In this case, there is an element which actually marks explicitly the beginning of the subordinate clause, namely that. (Kersti Bà ¶rjars and Kate Burridge, Introducing English Grammar, 2nd ed. Hodder, 2010) Adverbial Subordinate Clauses While Fern was in school, Wilbur was shut up inside his yard. (E.B. White, Charlottes Web. Harper, 1952) All the animals capered with joy when they saw the whips going up in flames. (George Orwell, Animal Farm. Secker and Warburg, 1945)One summer morning, after I had swept the dirt yard of leaves, spearmint-gum wrappers, and Vienna-sausage labels, I raked the yellow-red dirt, and made half-moons carefully, so that the design stood out clearly and masklike. (Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Random House, 1969)[U]nless one is inordinately fond of subordination, one is always at war. (Philip Roth, The Dying Animal. Houghton Mifflin, 2001) Adjectival Subordinate Clauses Fern . . . found an old milking stool that had been discarded, and she placed the stool in the sheepfold next to Wilburs pen. (E.B. White, Charlottes Web. Harper, 1952)Moses, who was Mr. Joness especial pet, was a spy and a tale-bearer, but he was also a clever talker. (George Orwell, Animal Farm. Secker and Warburg, 1945)We lived with our grandmother and uncle in the rear of the Store (it was always spoken of with a capital s), which she had owned some twenty-five years. (Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Random House, 1969)In the cutting room, there were twenty-five men at work, about six to a table, and the Swede led her over to the oldest of them, whom he introduced as the Master. (Philip Roth, American Pastoral. Houghton Mifflin, 1997) Analyzing Subordinate Structures Subordination-heavy sentences are probably our most common type of sentence, either spoken or written, though they are more complicated than they may seem at first glance. In fact, this sentence by Thomas Cahill seems quite ordinary until we examine it more closely: In the time-honored fashion of the ancient world, he opens the book at random, intending to receive as a divine message the first sentence his eyes should fall upon. - How the Irish Saved Civilization (57) Cahills basic sentence about St. Augustine is he opened the book. But the sentence begins with two orienting prepositional phrases (In the time-honored fashion and of the ancient world) and adds detail at the end with a prepositional phrase (at random) and a participial phrase (intending . . .). There is also an infinitive phrase (to receive . . .) and a subordinate clause (his eyes should fall upon). For the reader, comprehending this sentence is much simpler than describing it. (Donna Gorrell, Style and Difference. Houghton Mifflin, 2005) Cognitive Relations [T]he notion of subordination will be defined here exclusively in functional terms. Subordination will be regarded as a particular way to construe the cognitive relation between two events, such that one of them (which will be called the dependent event) lacks an autonomous profile, and is construed in the perspective of the other event (which will be called the main event). This definition is largely based on the one provided in Langacker (1991: 435-7). For instance, in Langackers terms, the English sentence in (1.3), (1.3) After she drank the wine, she went to sleep. profiles the event of going to sleep, not the event of drinking the wine. . . . What matters here is that the definition pertains to cognitive relations between events, not any particular clause type. This means that the notion of subordination is independent of the way in which clause linkage is realized across languages. (Sonia Cristofaro, Subordination. Oxford University Press, 2003) Subordination and the Evolution of Languages Many languages make very sparse use of clause subordination while making much freer use of clause conjoining. We can extrapolate that the earliest languages had only juxtaposition of clauses, then developed markers of coordination of clauses (like and), and only later, perhaps much later, developed ways of signaling that one clause was intended to be understood as playing a role inside the interpretation of another, i.e. marking subordination of clauses. (James R. Hurford, The Origins of Language. Oxford University Press, 2014)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Yamaha Marketing Channels Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Yamaha Marketing Channels - Research Paper Example When the Company started, it manufactured auto parts, scooters, sewing machines and even three wheeled motors. However, due to the stiff competition from other manufacturers of these machines, the Yamaha Company specialized on the production of motorcycle. In the year 1954, the first model of Yamaha motorbike (YA-1) was complete. After a rigorous road test of the this motorbike, the founders of Yamaha Company built a factory too start the mass manufacturing of the YA-1 motorbike at a place called Nipon Gakki. On first of July 1955, the Yamaha Motor Co., LTD was founded. During that year, the Company had over 270 who were able to manufacture 200 YA-1 motorcycles in one month. This fast growth influenced the company to engage its motor cycles into the two top races in Japan; the Asma Highlands race and the Fuji mountain race. In the year 1956, the Company came up with another model; the YC1, followed by YD-1 in the year 1957. Two year after Yamaha’s engagement in motorbike races , they made a step into the International racing in the year 1958. They finished in the sixth position in the Catalina Grand Prix, and became the first Japanese motorbike to compete in an International race. The participation of Yamaha in the Catalina grand Prix gave this brand an international recognition, since many people worldwide began appreciating the Yamaha technology, especially in the USA (Smokie, 2013). That same year, the Company began marketing their own machines independently in the United States of America. Two years later after this venture, an American motor Company, The Cooper Motors, started selling the YD-1 and the MF-1 bikes from the Yamaha Motor Co., LTD. This continued up to the year 1960, when the Yamaha International Company begun advertising motorcycles in the United States of America through merchants. Having explored the motorcycle market, Genichi, the President of Yamaha International, began focusing on manufacturing of outboard boats and the Yamaha motor boats (Smokie Riders, 2013). In 1966, the Yamaha Company opened motorcycle-manufacturing industries in Mexico and Thailand. In late 1960s, Yamaha produced an off road motorcycle, DT-1 model. This off road model brought a very huge impact in the motorbike industry in the United States and was a very big success to the Yamaha Company. In the year 1972, the Toyota and Yamaha Companies came together and designed the Toyota 200 GT. With more inventions in the Yamaha International, the Company continued to grow in terms of the machines they manufactured. Among the machines that they created since then includes; race kart engines, snowmobiles, ATVs, generators, scooters, and personal watercraft. The greatness of the Yamaha International Company is attributed to its first President, Mr. Genichi Kawakami, who believed that, production of goods with character and honesty in service to the clients is the key to success of any business. Activities of Yamaha International Corporation Apart from manufacturing of electronics and automobiles, the Yamaha Company has engaged in so many activities. The Company is involved in sporting activities where they participate in motorbike racing competition (Yamaha Motor Co., 2013). The Company aims at promoting sporting activities in Japan, for example, the Japanese Rugby Team. They are actively involved in operating training schools for young sportsmen for yachting, soccer, and rugby. After sale services is another activity that the Yamaha Company offers to its customers. Raw materials and the Manufacturers of Yamaha The products of Yamaha Company are made of metal alloys, wood, and plastic and rubber materials. The Company uses metal alloys in the manufacturing of its pianos, for example, the acoustic pianos that is
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