Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Into the Wild The Spiritual Journey of Chris McCandless...
Christopher â€Å"Alexander Supertramp†McCandless was a dreamer. However, unlike most of us nowadays, Christopher turned his desire for adventure into reality. Similar to Buddha, he gave up his wealth, family, home, and most possessions except the ones he carried before embarking on his journey. He traveled by various methods, mostly on foot, to eventually reach his desired goal in the Alaskan wilderness. Unfortunately, due to various mistakes, Christopher ultimately passed and his body was found in a neglected Fairbank City Transit Bus. His motivation to achieve his goal was based on the many aspects of his life. Chris’s dysfunctional family weighed heavily on him, one prime reason for driving him onto the road of freedom. As seen in the†¦show more content†¦So Sam, Stacy, Shawn, Shelly, Shannon, Quinn, Chris and Carine were together in some permutation, every summer and on other special occasions.†4 Within this statement, Billie states that they were devoted in trying to create perfect communication between the two families. However, Christopher’s siblings’ writings said otherwise. Chris’s parents did provide opportunities for all the siblings to be together. In contrast, the time was always filled with diverse attempts to ruin their unity. For instance, Chris’s sister Carine specifically mentioned that Walt and Billie would purposely pit them against each other. Another burden Christopher’s family laid on him was a massive amount of guilt. As mentioned above, Chris felt responsible for the ‘abandonment’ of Walt’s ex-wife and her children. Carine writes, â€Å"From the time we were small children, still unaware of how children come to be, I remember Chris being consistently told through our mother’s tears that the family struggles began with his birth, when she became ‘stuck’ with our dad. Chris carried this unfounded guilt with him until the wisdom that comes with age resulted in feelings of betrayal and eventually anger. This mislaid blame was never rescinded, only ignored.†3 Carine, Chris’s youngest and only natal sister, believed that the painful and unbearable family life that they endured provided Chris with a just reason to abandon his life. She respected this part of his motivation for leaving,Show MoreRelatedThe Wild And Ambitious Journey Of Chris Mccandless1202 Words  |  5 PagesInto The Wild Analysis Alexander Supertramp: Personification of Courage The story Into The Wild details the spiritual and ambitious journey of Chris McCandless. Chris McCandless is depicted by the author Jon Krakauer as an individual who grew tired of the social perceptions and all the flavorless interactions that occupied it. Despite the career path that was laid in front of him, McCandless sought something more than what materialism had to offer; He sought enlightenment. Due to the cause thatRead MoreChris Mccandless Individualism Essay1000 Words  | 4 PagesMany children have had the desire to step out of their parents’ shadows and follow their dreams no matter how wild and crazy they might be. Christopher McCandless was more than an average young man trying to escape his parents’ control. He established his lifelong journey to live off the land by following the wise and spiritual ways set forth by Henry David Thoreau and others. He changed his identity to Alexander Supertramp, a character who is pure and cleansed of the artific ial grime of the modernRead MoreInto The Wild By John Krakauer1735 Words  | 7 PagesInto the Wild Analysis John Krakauer’s depiction of the tragic life of Chris McCandless in the award winning novel â€Å"Into the Wild†creates different schools of thought that brew a perfect storm for debate. Krakauer’s polarizing style is what makes it so special, because no two people will feel the same way as they experience the journey of McCandless. One of the highly discussed topics of the novel relates to the idea that Chris’ journey of self-discovery in his quest for â€Å"ultimate freedom†is inherentlyRead MoreChris McCandlesss Journey into the Wild703 Words  | 3 PagesShrek, seem to sum up Chris mccandless very well. He was a wondering soul, whose drive for adventure eventually lead to his death. He spent a majority of his short adult life tramping around the country and even parts of Mexico and canada. IT is well known that the straw that broke Chris’s back was finding out about his fathers actions during the early part of his marriage to Chrisà ¢â‚¬â„¢s mother.The real question is not what his breaking point was,but it is why he went on his journey in the first placeRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Into the Wild1669 Words  | 7 PagesLiterary Analysis of Into The Wild Imagine spending thirty days alone in a tent or a cabin in the wilderness with no technology, electricity, running water, and any form of communication. Every day you wake up to the sight of the beautiful, tall trees and the various wildlife living in the area. Most of the time, you can hear the many sounds of nature: the majestic songs of birds, the whistling in the wind, and trees rustling. But sometimes all you can hear is nothing but silence. Most of usRead MoreWho Was Alex Supertramp?983 Words  | 4 Pagesperhaps it was one of the numerous facets of Christopher McCandless. Mccandless’s life was documented in the national bestselling novel Into the Wild, authored by Jon Krakauer. After graduating from Emory University in Georgia, Chris decided to abandon all of his nonessential materialistic possessions and surrender to his desire of living in the Alaskan wilderness. There is an abundance of words that can be used to describe Chris McCandless, some of which may includ e perplexing, an extremist, obdurateRead MoreEssay on Into the Wild: Book vs. Movie956 Words  | 4 PagesInto the Wild: Book vs. Movie Into the Wild happens to be my favorite book, and also one of my favorite movies. Most people like one or the other, but I think the two complement each other because of the varied stances taken on the main character himself. In case you’re not familiar, Into the Wild is based on the true story of Chris McCandless who, after graduating with honors from Emory University in 1990, gave his entire savings of twenty-four thousand dollars to charity and set off followingRead MoreHenry Thoreau And Chris Mccandless Essay1527 Words  | 7 Pages Henry Thoreau and Chris McCandless seem very similar. At a first glance when you hear their stories they sound pretty much like the same people in different time periods. Both left normal lives to live off the land and both loved that lifestyle to death. Chris even took inspiration from thoreau and took his book, Walden, into the Alaskan bush with him. However, McCandless and Thoreau are very different in their desire to move, social intera ctions, and their spiritual journeys. Henry Thoreau lovedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Wild By Jon Krakauer1402 Words  | 6 Pagesremains were concluded to be those of Chris McCandless, an affluent 20-something from Virginia, who wound up dead following his two-year long self-righteous odyssey. Author Jon Krakauer wrote an article on McCandless for Outside magazine, which later disseminated into a novel titled Into the Wild. At a glance, McCandless and Ellsberg may seem like polar opposites, but after a parsing examination, one can see that they are incredibly similar. Both Ellsberg and McCandless advocated for and upheld their principlesRead MoreInto the Wild Essay1103 Words  | 5 Pagesnonfiction work Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, many readers have harshly judged the main character, Chris McCandless, as stupid and thoughtless for his dangerous and ultimately fatal adventure in the raw wilderness of Alaska; many have even said he had been suicidal. The author attempts to display Chris as a human being wit h meaningful intentions and emotional yearning rather than just a stereotypical, reckless vagabond by using his own story as a similar experience to Chris’, so readers can begin
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Eco-feminism Essay - 1188 Words
Today, we live in a world interwoven with women’s oppression, ecological degradation, and the exploitation of workers, race, and class. In the midst of these troubles, a movement known as ecofeminism appears to be gaining recognition. In the following, I hope to illustrate this revitalization movement . I will begin by characterizing a definition of ecofeminism; I will then bring to the forefront the ethical issues that Ecofeminism is involved with, then distinguish primary ideas and criticisms. Though in theory, ecological feminism has been around for a number of years, it emerged as a political movement in the 1970s. Francoise d’Eaubonne, a French feminist philosopher, coined the term â€Å"Ecofeminism†in 1974. Ecofeminism is a feminist†¦show more content†¦Our â€Å"western†society has become a globalized world of high technology. There appears to be no ability to see beyond, to see what we have encased ourselves in; an artificial environment that has remarkably replaced the original, nature itself. We do not live with nature; we live above it, off it. I find it to be rather paradoxical that nature can exist and has existed without humans, but humans cannot exist without nature. Nature has become merely a resource to sustain our artificial environment. I will exemplify certain dichotomies that support the aforementioned conceptual framework. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Reason vs. Emotion nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Culture vs. Nature nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Scientific vs. Mystical nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Rational vs. Intuitive nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hierarchy vs. Circle nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Masculine vs. Female Ecofeminists challenge the patriarchal conceptual framework and the accompanying dualisticShow MoreRelatedGender And Environmental Exploitation : Eco Feminism851 Words  | 4 PagesGender and Environmental Exploitation Eco-Feminism is a conceptual idea in a direct response due to Androcentrism a concept that places man as the centric structure and leaves women and the environment under forms of oppression. Androcentrism originated in the 16th century when mass colonization and European exploration occurred in which not only exploited Atlantic cultures, but also environments spanning across the Atlantic. Furthermore, women and environment were placed below man and thereforeRead MoreEcologism1381 Words  | 6 Pagesproposes eco capitalism If a Mimimalists definition of Ecologism is to be adopted, extencive questioning results as to the independence of the ideology, since many conventional politics have been greatly influenced by green thought eg. the Green Party in the UK. Burke has also proposed Green Capatalism, where enphasis is placed on the market to deal with environmental concers whilst supervised by governments to discourage certain practices eg. high taxes imposed on leaded petrol in the UK. Eco SocialismRead MoreUnder Western Eyes : Feminist Scholarship And Colonial Discourses And The Rise Of Ecofeminism As A Development Fable936 Words  | 4 Pageselement in feminism itself, and of naivety, validity and value of essentialized feminist works. This firstly challenges the biological and social definition of ‘woman,’ the homogenization of ‘woman’, and further, the implication of the role of women in nature. The second challenge that arises in reviewing these articles is the questi on of audience: whom are these (eco)feminists targeting, and for what purpose? The challenges of (eco)feminism, essentialist feminism, and the application of feminism in genderRead More Female Struggles Essay examples1592 Words  | 7 Pagesdo not necessarily see women as equal to the men. But religion is not exclusive in these beliefs. Our culture, though many may disagree, is a patriarchal culture. Terry Tempest Williams will likely agree with this statement being that she is an eco-feminist herself. As a Mormon woman being a feminist in any sense seems like it has its pitfalls. A former Mormon, feminist and scholar, Margaret Toscano was excommunicated from the Mormon Church essentially for being a feminist and questioning theRead MoreWicca and Ecofeminism3245 Words  | 13 Pagesthe split between men and women, between man and nature, and God and the world. Ecofeminism, a type of feminist critique, uncovers the source of environmental deprivation in the structure of dualist thinking and patriarchal systems (King, 2003). Some Eco-feminists associate the feminine principle with the giving and nurturing of life, as valued in goddess religions and earth based spiritualties. By contrast, they see patriarchal culture as rising from a fear of death, which ultimately creates a cultureRead MoreFeminism And The First Wa ve Feminism2028 Words  | 9 Pages Feminism is the movement towards women’s equality and the fight for equal gender in the social, political, cultural and economical aspects of society. Feminism also fights for equal opportunity for women in employment and education. A feminist is someone who advocates their support for women’s rights but is not restricted to only women; anyone who supports women’s rights and equality are feminists, including men. Feminism is not only about the females; it fights for gender equality forRead MoreThe Relationship Between Literature And The Natural Environment1166 Words  | 5 Pagesof literature for a long time. The first law of Ecology is that everything is connected to everything else. Ecofeminism is a branch of ecocriticism and emphasizes the interdependence of all life. The aim of ecofeminism is not the same as liberal feminism. Ecofeminist do not seek equality with men but aim for liberation of women as women. It is a movement that draws the connect ion between the domination of nature and exploitation of women. It is noted that women were the first to protest against environmentRead More Environment and Feminism - Ecofeminist Theory and Sustainable Development2100 Words  | 9 Pagesphilosophy that combines emancipatory elements of feminism with the environmental concerns of ecology. It has become a movement that sees the connection between the exploitation and degradation of the natural world and the subordination and oppression of women (Mellor, 1997, p.1). Ecofeminists view women as victims of the same patriarchal tyranny that dominates nature (Castells, 1997). Karen Warren (1996) identifies eight connections between feminism and the environment. Although it is not necessaryRead MoreAnita Desai s Fire On The Mountain1627 Words  | 7 Pagesthe epitome of the gender biasness and class consciousness.All the female characters seek their alliance with the forest of carignano to heal their sufferings but at the end of the novel they realized the darker shades of patriarchy. Key Words Eco feminism, Indian Fiction, gender biasness, identity, hegemony Theory- the seeing of patterns, showing the forest as well as the trees-theory can be a dew that rises from the earth and collects in the rain cloud and returns to earth over and over. But ifRead More A Feminist Perspective of Atwoods Surfacing Essay2903 Words  | 12 Pagesoppression of women with the oppression of nature (Salleh 339). More specifically, ecological feminism is the position that there are important connections -- historical, experiential, symbolic, theoretical -- between the domination of women and the domination of nature, an understanding which is crucial to both feminism and environmental ethics (Warren, The Power and the Promise of Ecological Feminism 126). Ecofeminists seek to replace patriarchal dualistic thought (where masculine and feminine
Monday, December 9, 2019
Planning a Scheme of Work free essay sample
Sessions are based on the Skills for Life Teacher Resource Pack issued by the DfES, which is produced to support National Standards for Adult Literacy. These resources are designed to be based on real life situations, aimed at adults and to cover the Adult Literacy Core Curriculum. Six modules have been used, one at level one and five at level two. I have divided each module over two sessions each lasting for two hours of classroom time. Opportunities to complete tasks beyond the scope of the session are available as all learners have free study periods, which are supported by tutors. Extension activities using spelling and grammar exercises have been included and would also be completed in free study time. I have decided on the sequence of topics based on Reece Walker (2003, p239) suggesting that easiest topics could be tackled first, so starting the programme with level 1 activities. I have also taken sessions directly relevant to E2E learners, i. e. job search, and used these for the first few sessions as I have observed this type of learner questioning the relevance of various activities they are asked to undertake on the wider E2E programme. Teaching and Learning Methods Sessions are started with a directed section, explaining objectives to the learners, using visual aids (interactive whiteboard and data projector) and or audio clips to demonstrate the learning point of the session and stimulate interest in the topic. This part of the session lasts about 10 to 15 minutes and is followed by an opportunity for learners to work on their own, in small groups or more usually in pairs, using printed or on-line resources, for around 40 to 50 minutes. During this time learners are supported by the tutor. After this a break is taken and the above process is repeated after break, focusing on the next part of the session, again starting with visual aids, usually in the form of a data projector. The final 10 minutes are used to re-iterate points made and check understanding through questioning. The scheme of work relies on the use of visual and audio stimuli in conjunction with individual learning as many learners on the E2E programme have had poor experiences of conventional classroom technique. A. T. Graham (1999, P. 26) Says: It is interesting to note the following figures for what we remember (learn? ) from our various senses: Sight 75% Hearing 13% Feeling 6% Smell 3% Taste 3% Feedback from learners of these methods is almost unanimously positive, especially towards the use of technology and visual aids. Assessment Methods At the end of each session, learners are encouraged to complete the module checklist and detail areas that they feel confident with or need more practice with. Each session incorporates tasks to be completed during the session and completion of the tasks is supported and observed by the tutor. This presents the opportunity to continually assess each student’s progress as well as assist any student encountering difficulty. Although not part of the scheme of work, students sit diagnostic assessments at the start of the programme and further diagnostics as well as practice tests later in the programme. Usually a second diagnostic at six weeks followed by mock tests at 10 and 12 weeks. Self Evaluation A self-evaluation form has been included for completion at the end of each session. The form examines the effectiveness of tutor and learner activities, resources and where relevant, achievement. The largest space is reserved for learner feedback as learners are asked for feedback after each session and asked to complete feedback forms on a regular basis. These, together with improvements in diagnostic and mock test scores form the basis of evaluation for this programme. Learning Theory Motivation A key element of the scheme is that it encourages independent learning. Within each structured session there are opportunities for the learners to work on their own or in pairs with support from a tutor. During this time learners are not simply given worksheets and expected to complete them, each learner has access to their own resources which they follow at their own pace and work through with discussion between groups of learners and the tutor. So, for example, during a session on newspaper articles, after a class discussion of two examples of newspaper articles students would be asked to find their own examples on the Internet, examine the differences between articles themselves and discuss their findings with the tutor one to one or in a small group. In this way learners take control of their own learning and experience the satisfaction of knowing that they are not simply filling in blanks. Learners on the E2E programme then have equal time in non-structured sessions to carry on with any unfinished work, carry out their own research and complete any extension activities. Geoffrey Petty (2001, P. 306) States that: There is a consensus amongst management theorists that giving employees control over how they work greatly increases their sense of responsibility, motivation and effectiveness. Unsurprisingly, giving students control over their own learning empowers them in the same way. Independence is not an arbitrary foundation for a teaching method: it resonates with a deep human need – the need for freedom; the need to be in control. This is a need felt most strongly by adolescents†¦ 16 to 18 year old learners, many of whom have achieved little or nothing at school respond well to being given control of their own learning. Resources The E2E programme benefits from being well resourced, especially with technology. This has an impact on the engagement of learners, most 16 to 18 year olds being unimpressed with anything less than cutting edge technology. Every learner has access to a broadband enabled, high specification computer on which to complete individual work, all resources are available across the network for printing and or editing by the learner, meaning that the learner is in control of his or her own version of the Skills for Life Resource Pack. So, for example, in lesson five, a resource page for searching the Internet would be projected to the whiteboard, we would be able to discuss the question â€Å"can you name any more search engines? †and the tutor would be able to note some examples on the screen for learners to see. Learners would then be able to look at their own version of this resource page, type in their answers and print off a hard copy for their file. They would then be able to access the Internet and continue with the activity. Equality of Opportunity As discussed, the scheme of work is based around the Skills for Life Teacher Resource Pack issued by the DfES, the introduction to which states that the materials are intended to be â€Å"broad-based†and â€Å"adult-appropriate†. Within the materials, names, voices and pictures of characters are ethnically diverse and represent both genders. It is however the job of the tutor to be sensitive to learners and I have replaced 2 articles on terror alerts in lesson nine after awkwardness during the session amongst Muslim students. Wheelchair access to the building and wireless laptop computers are available to students with disabilities. Two of the fixed computers in the classroom are configured for large fonts. Conclusion The Entry to Employment programme is aimed at a group of learners who have previously struggled in education and so challenge tutors to find new ways to engage them. Independent learning is encouraged by the Learning and Skills Council for E2E and more sources than that quoted support this method. The use of I. C. T. s also encouraged and this scheme of work relies heavily on it although a much less â€Å"high tech†version could be delivered if this was required. Although many learners are engaged by the technology, it cannot take the place of a tutor or teacher, merely add to the learning experience and a good understanding of the subject is impossible to replace. Bibliography A. T. Graham (1999) Planning for Teaching Learning, Resource Handbook Geoffrey Petty (2001) Teaching Today , Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd Reece Walker (2003) Teaching, Training and Learning ,Sunderland: Business Education Publishers Ltd.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Simply Together Review Essay Example
Simply Together Review Paper Essay on Simply Together This is my first review. I do not know how to write them. Absolutely. But really want to share my impressions) One day, on my bookshelf I found this book. I was already familiar with Anna Gavalda on the product Id love to have someone somewhere waiting. Book liked to read very easily. The reading was involved quickly. The same thing happened with just together. On the first day, I read the first part. From myself I did not expect. I just left in the book, fully imbued with the characters. Camille, Franck, Philibert and Paulette everyone has their own lives, everyone has their own story. They are completely different. But they are united by solitude. Yes, they are alone. Frank, who threw the mother, Camille, who lost his father, Philibert, if white crow for his family and Paulette, Francks grandmother, her husbands funeral, and hating his own daughter We will write a custom essay sample on Simply Together Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Simply Together Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Simply Together Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer All of these characters are looking for ourselves: Frank in cooking, Camille in the drawing, in the history of Philibert and Paulette in love all these guys. They live together, just together. And one day realize that they have something in common. And this is something a family. Each of them, as such families were not, but now there is. I think each of them dreamed of a family. And this dream has become a reality Heartful book about love, friendship, life If you are in search of himself, life goes awry or just the soul cat scratch -. It book for you. It will make you smile, make fall in love with these characters, it will give some inspiration to help you overcome all difficulties) Enjoy reading!) Simply Together Review Essay Example Simply Together Review Paper Essay on Simply Together All the time, until I read this book I was furious !!! Since the book describes the story of three very different people with different fates, and up to the last page (which is not much, not too little 630 pages plus an epilogue on page 2..) Is not clear, what is this the whole story. 630 pages painted life, thoughts and actions roh different people that when circumstances were together and svynrali an important role in the lives of others another. As long as you read do not understand what all this story, what all these srobytiya and description of the lives of these heroes of the book! And its the worst thing because I really raged due to the fact that I do not understand what it is all told, but could not break away, as I type to find out what will be the end! Perhaps this is manifested genius author hold the reader in the dark all 630 pages with it, in a particular dark, and only in the epilogue show the result))))) Essno, Im happy you read this book, and even more I am happy that at last I finished reading it, because I did not know what to do with myself so infuriated me that I do not know what will happen in the end! Plus, essno, each reader in each book finds something for themselves and make their own conclusions and morals of each is different. But, nevertheless, in spite of that it is a book just a story about the fate of three people, it is possible to make some conclusions about how to make decisions, and what then can be the result of the fact that these solutions come from the heart and kindness)) We will write a custom essay sample on Simply Together Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Simply Together Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Simply Together Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer not to say Thu oya advise you to read this book to anyone, even to many, it may seem boring and too spread-out to someone, someone just a slight little story, but if all of a sudden it will fall into your hands read. When read to the end get a sense of lightness and unforgettable joys of the hero of the book Thank you ..
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