Monday, January 27, 2020
The Gothic Elements In Tim Burtons Movies Film Studies Essay
The Gothic Elements In Tim Burtons Movies Film Studies Essay Nowadays, film has been popular among people through the ages. There are kind of films that have been created up until now. For instance, films about criminal, romance, Sci-Fi, etc. Many film directors compete to make a good film. A film director is also called as an auteur if he or she is a complete film maker. He or she conceives the idea for the story, writes the script or the screenplay, and then carefully supervises every step in the film making process, from selecting the cast and finding a suitable setting down to editing the final cut. (Boggs and Petrie 308). The style or characteristic in a film are usually describing the directors personality itself. In this paper, the writer will analyze about Tim Burtons movies because she is interested with this directors work in movie making. Almost all of his movies are containing with dark and horror or it can be called as gothic. He is also called an auteur because in some of his films, he does everything all by himself. The background of Tim Burton makes him into a creative director and creates some fascinating film with the darkness but also putting some dark comedy in his films. Burton was born on August 25, 1958 in Burbank suburban. Tim Burton, as a child, enjoyed to watch horror and monster movies. His favourite actor was Vincent Price. He was the protagonist in many horror movies such as The House of Wax (1975). Furthermore, Tim loved horror movies based on Edgar Alan Poes poems like the film Raven. He was seeing his self in those films and on the face of the actor Vincent Price, because of his isolation as a child. Tim Burton himself, states that horror movies especially the ones starring Vincent Price, spoke to him. (WordPress, 2012) He was worked in Disney as an animator. Then, he was recruited by Paul Reubens and made a hit movie Pee-wees Big Adventure (1985). After that, he made another movie Beetlejuice which also became hit at that time. There are many more film that have been directed by Burton such as Batman (1989), Edward Scissorhands (1990), The Nightmare before Christmas (1993), Sleepy Hollow (1999), The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Sweeney Todd (2007), and such as Dark Shadows (2012). (Andec) As a director who is identical with gothic, Tim Burton is very professional. He is very serious in directing the process of the film making, and also he is very creative because in most of his films, he likes to make the properties of the film handmade by himself. Even though there is another professional person who can make it, but Burton wants to do it by himself. He always makes everything with his own imagination and it is like he creates himself. Â Its noticeable in almost all his movies that the characters have dark and sunken eyes like Edward in Edward Scissorhands, said his wife Helena Bonham Carter who was also an actress in most of Tims movies. Tim always wanted a sort of, like, silent-movie-star for both of us (she and actor Johnny Depp, they both starred in The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Sweeney Todd). So we have both got very, very pale skin and then rather dark, sunken eyes. A bit like how Tim looks. You know, his usual sort of aesthetic. He loves pale, dark, sunken eyes and because hes an insomniac. I think thats where it comes from. Theres a lot of autobiography in there. But even. Its completely unconscious. He is so not a narcissist. But it always ends up, being, somehow, a version of himself. (WordPress, 2012) From all of Burtons movies, the writer chooses two films between them, Edward Scissorhands (1990) and Sleepy Hollow (1999). These two movies are contained of many gothic elements. The story of Edward Scissorhands was made by Burton himself which reflected his characters which often outsiders, misunderstood, and misperceived, and in many ways he embodies his characters into his film. (Mark Salisbury 18) Besides, the movie of Sleepy Hollow directed by Tim Burton is an adaptation from the short story of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving (1817) written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820. It was based on the German folktale, the story is set in the Dutch culture of Post-Revolutionary War in New York State. The lines of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow are influences of late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth-century European cultural movements. (Gale, 2006). This short story has been made into film for several times, such as The Adventures of Ic habod and Mr. Toad (1949), and the following The Hollow (2004) and Headless Horseman (2007). The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is the closest American literature that has come to produce a classic ghost story. Therefore, based on the explanations above, the writer would like to analyze the gothic elements throughout the cinematic aspect of Tim Burtons films Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow. FIELD OF THE STUDY The field of this study will be focused on literature, especially film. SCOPE OF THE STUDY This research is based on literature especially Film Studies. The writer chooses cinematic aspect to find out the gothic elements which occur in Tim Burtons movies Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow. PROBLEM FORMULATION This research questions can be formulated as follows: What are the cinematic aspects found in the Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow movie? How do the gothic elements contribute to the success of the cinematic aspect? OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of this study can be stated as follows: Explaining the cinematic aspects in the movies of Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow. Finding the gothic elements that contribute the success of the cinematic aspect. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will help the students, especially in the literature aspect, to understand more about cinematic aspect and gothic literature. DEFINITION OF TERMS Below are the terms that will be used by the writer to analyze about the cinematic aspect and the gothic elements in Tim Burtons movies Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow: Cinematography: Art and technology of motion-picture photography. It involves the composition of a scene, lighting of the set and actors, choice of cameras, camera angle, and integration of special effects to achieve the photography images desired by the director. (Merriam Webster) Gothic Fiction: a genre of literature that combines both horror and romance or a scholarly article which states the earthly laws of conventional reality and the possibilities of the supernatural emphasizing the difference between horror and romance as genres which reflecting on the common ground that has been christened Gothic. (Jerrold Hogle) Horror: a genre of literature that is identical with the darkness, and associated with fear, mystery, and supernatural to be able to scare its readers. REVIEW OF LITERATURE In this chapter, the writer would like to explain the theories in order to support her analysis. The first theory is about film studies. Film studies is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the history, theory, and criticism of cinema and other moving image media. (Yale) There is another definition of film studies by Richard from The Oxford Guide to Film Studies (p.3) who stated that film studies is based upon the science and techniques of film, its physics and chemistry, the practices and possibilities of the camera and the other apparatuses of filmmaking. According to Boggs and Petrie The art of Watching Film (pp. 124) film studies has a cinematic aspect which will be used by the writer to help her analysis process. In Film studies there are two aspects, the literary aspect and the cinematic aspect. Because the writer would only use the cinematic aspect, so here is the explanation about the cinematic aspect of film. The Cinematic Aspects of Film According to Susan Against Interpretation and Other Essays that like novel, the cinema presents us with a view of the action which is absolutely under the control of the director (writer) at every moment. Our attention cannot wander about the screen, as it does about the stage. When the camera moves we move, when it remains still we are still. In a similar way the novel presents a selection of the thoughts and descriptions which are relevant to the writers conception, and we must follow these serially, as the author leads us, they are not spread out, as a background, for us to contemplate in the order we choose, as in painting or the theater. Dudley on his book The Major of Film Theories: An Introduction (7) has noted that every question about film falls under at least one of the following headings: raw material, methods and techniques, forms and shapes, purpose or value. These categories, adapted from Aristotle, (Physics, section.3) divide the phenomenon of film into the aspects which make it up and which can be interrogated. The raw material includes questions about the medium, such as those which seek its relation to reality, photography, and illusion, or those which follow out its use of time and space, or even those which aim at such processes as color, sound, and the make-up of the movie theater. Anything which is seen to exist as a given state of affairs with which the cinematic process begins belongs to the category of raw material. The methods and techniques of cinema comprises all questions about the creative process which shapes or treats the raw material, from discussions of technological developments (like the zoom shot) to the psychology of the filmmaker or even the economics of film production. The forms and shapes of film is the category containing questions about the kinds of film which have been or could be made. Questions about cinemas ability to adapt other artworks lie here, as do questions about genre and audience expectation or effect. Here we are looking at films from the standpoint of a completed process in which the raw material has already been shaped by various creative methods. The purpose and value of cinema is the category which interfaces with the larger aspects of life, for here fall all questions which seek the goal of cinema in mans universe. In accordance to Boggs Petrie (112-124) identify the cinematic film like: Cinematic point of view Four points of view are employed in motion pictures, such as objective (camera as sideline observer), subjective (camera as participant in the action), indirect-subjective and directors interpretive. Elements of cinematic composition Focusing attention on the most significant object, such as, size and closeness of the object, sharpness of focus, movement, extreme close-up, arrangement of people and objects, foreground framing, and lighting and color. (BoggsPetrie, p. 122) Techniques for specialized visual effects Camera Angles Color, Diffusion, and Soft Focus Special Lenses Slow Motion Fast Motion The freeze frame, the Thawed Frame, and Stills Special Lighting Effects Gothic Literature The second theory for the analysis is about the gothic literature. There are some aspects of Gothic literature more than terror. These are the elements of gothic based on the novel by Horace Walpole The Castle of Otranto (1764) and it contains essentially all the elements that constitute the genre and this novel by Walpole has influenced not only for the gothic novel, but also the film making up until now: Mystery A part of the storytelling that helps to create the Gothic atmosphere such as burial vaults, flickering candles, evil potion, etc. (buzzle) Environment and Setting A setting that used for the storytelling in Gothic novels to shows the horror image like the stormy weather, dark place (forest, big castle). (buzzle) Nightmare The fear experienced by the characters in the novel. (buzzle) Omens and Curses An ancient curse to make the character becomes more miserable. (buzzle) Decline and Decay A process when the character reflected their behavior or their characters. (buzzle) Supernatural Events To make the story more dramatic. (buzzle) Damsel in Distress The character is usually suffering and loneliness. (buzzle) Villains This character is usually cunning and shifty in their behavior. (buzzle) Protagonists The gothic heroes, usually they are burdened by the sorrow. (buzzle) Romance Usually the romance part will have the tragedy and sorrow line. (buzzle) METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS J.1 . Method of Data Collection The writer would use the Library research: books and internet. J.2. Data Analysis Watching the movie, then searching the cinematic aspects of the film, and also searching the gothic elements from the films using the cinematic aspect. J.3. Time Schedule Month Week 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 July August September October November December Revision RM 1 and make a proposal Revision for proposal Examination of Thesis Proposal
Saturday, January 18, 2020
President of the United States of America Essay
The year 2008 saw the growth and emergence of various cultures around the world. This progression was however affected and sometimes hampered by the various global economic and political occurrences that defined the year 2008. The beginning of 2008 witnessed elections and consequent political instability in Zimbabwe which defined the global political system tremendously. This elections, which were characterized by allegations of rigging and foul-play caused global cries against the incumbent president in Zimbabwe, sanctions were imposed on the country thereby sending the country deeper into economic turmoil. These actions affected the global interaction of cultures in the sense that many Zimbabweans and Africans felt that the Western world was trying to impose its political culture on Africans who enjoy their culture to a great extent. This feeling of culture imposition from the Western world brought into Africa rejection of the Western culture irrespective of the goodness of the culture(David, K. 72-75) The middle of 2008 witnessed the ‘heating up’ of the most dramatic elections in the United States of America. This American election had an immense effect on culture around the world because the favorite candidate in the election, Senator Barrack Obama, had various ethnic backgrounds. Born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, Barrack has been viewed as the ideal world representative. His background and connection to the Asian ethnic community, to a great extent, complements his worldly representation. Consequently, this favorite candidate for the United States presidency, who represented various cultures around the world, emerged victorious because in him, Americans and the world felt represented in the affairs of the world politics. This election and the subsequent win of Barrack Obama for the White House cemented the cultural diversity of the American people and brought other foreign cultures to fame and scrutiny. This American election and the subsequent win for Barrack Obama as President of the United States of America, went a long way to encourage and promote inter-cultural integration around the world through marriage and lifestyle(David, K. 80-82) The end of the year 2008 witnessed a most devastating slump in the global economy as the world faced the credit crunch instigated by the mortgage crisis in the United States of America. This global economic melt-down led to a decrease in travel and purchasing power of individuals. Therefore, there was a significant reduction in global interaction thereby causing a reduction in inter-cultural interaction. The reduction in the purchasing power caused a slump in global trade which is a key component of global interaction. This also therefore reduced cultural interaction on the global stage. The closing of 2008 witnessed the biggest political crisis of the year, the Middle East Crisis. This crisis has had a devastating effect on the global cultural integration due to its ever changing form of violence. Many times, the violence is political with the Palestinians and the Israelites being the two aggressors. Sometimes, the crisis takes a religious angle with the Palestinians representing the Muslim faction while the Israelites represent the Jews. This Middle East crisis has therefore slowed down cultural interaction from the political and the religious angles(David, K. 93-96) Analysis of Arts and Culture in 2008 The year 2008 showed the different effects on arts and culture by the political, economic and religious happenings around the world. The year just showed us how vulnerable global arts and culture is to extinction, and at the same time prosperity, thanks to the global economic, political and religious dispensation. Through political, economic and religious development, global arts and culture flourished and sometimes reduced to a very low point. This fact therefore poses a challenge to every human around the world to ensure the flourishing of global arts and culture by allowing and maintaining political, economic and religious stability. The future of global arts and culture as defined by 2008 is uncertain. The future lies in the choices of men. The right choices will lead to the positive development of arts and culture while the wrong choices will lead to negative developments. The future is unpredictable and uncertain†¦it lies in our choices(David, K. 100-103) Arts in Global Interaction Arts can play a huge role in global interaction. Through arts, experiences are shared throughout the world. For instance, tourists travel all over the world and are welcomed by different cultures which they end up assimilating with. They are attracted by the unique nature of the different cultures and styles and some end up purchasing commodities from those cultures which they take back home. This art work gives the tourists a story to tell to their loved ones back in their homes. Therefore, through the making and selling of art work, one individual from one global destination earns a living, while others from various other destinations get entertained and have a story to share(David, K. 109-114). Indigenous Development of Talent In the current global village, local talent has great potential of developing into independent industries. Different culture and art forms are always appealing. If the local talent can be given space to develop and grow, the global market always has room for accommodating new art works thereby creating employment and income for millions of people around the world who represent the various art and cultural backgrounds. This arts and cultural talent can be developed through national arts and cultural exhibitions where the arts and cultures are showcased to the rest of the world. These exhibitions should also develop business systems that can support trade and therefore enable the artistes to earn a decent living. This is the only way to ensure sustenance of the various arts represented by people around the world(David, K. 112-118). Survey into the Main Global Initiatives on Arts, Culture and Society A small survey can be carried out to give a deeper understanding into matters affecting arts and culture with the following specifics: Purpose Statement: – the world at large need to take up the responsibility of promoting arts and culture through ensuring political, economical and religious stability. Hypothesis: – arts and culture thrive in a world of political, economical and religious stability. Objective: – To study the effect of politics, economics and religion on arts and culture. The findings of the survey can then be recorded and analyzed to give a comprehensive conclusion to the survey. Work cited David, Kilcullen. (2007). â€Å"Ethics, Politics, and Non-State Warfare: A Response to Gonzalez. †Anthropology Today vol. 23, no. 3. pg 56-120
Friday, January 10, 2020
Before the Great War the position of women in society depended on birth, class, marriage, and men
Women had to live up to an ideal created by men. This meant women had to appear less intelligent than their husbands, women had to be well mannered, and modest in behaviour and speech. Women from richer middle and upper class families had servants to look after their homes and weren't expected to work. Upper class women were brought up and educated to be a dutiful wife. Lower class women had to look after their husband, manage everything in the house as well as finance, be utterly faithful to her husband and willingly manage a large family Some women did go to work; in 1901 55% of single women and 14% of married women were at work. In 1914 the largest employer of women was the Domestic Service with 1,600,000 this is because the Domestic Service was regarded as better than working in factories. About 656,000 women worked in the factories of the textile industry – especially the cotton mills of northern England. Lots of women were in work but many of them hardly made enough money to live on. Married working class women faced a lot of problems. Families were large: 71% of women had four or more children and 41% had seven or more. Many women however lost children to diseases like Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, and Tubercular. Children died because they didn't have any health care and doctors were expensive and hard to find. Poverty, bad housing and child bearing affected the health of working class women probably because they put the health of their husbands first as they had to be at work to earn money. Lots of women wanted the vote before the Great War. Suffragists wanted the vote and played by the law where as Suffragettes were more militant. The Suffragettes committed many acts of violence such as destruction of property and arson. Lots of people were against giving women the right to vote, even queen Victoria was. This meant women's suffrage had to gain support, so they continued with their marches and put posters up to try to gain support. The government passed a cat and mouse act which allowed Suffragettes to be released when they became ill because of their hunger strike and as soon as they were better again they were arrested and sent back to prison to finish their sentence. The outbreak of the First World War brought an end to the Suffragettes campaign.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
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