Saturday, May 23, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Federal Nutrition Program For Low Income People Essay
In the United State, there is a federal nutrition program for low income people to help food budget and buy healthy food. People who have low income in the United States get the food stamps, also known as â€Å"Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)†. For every month, eligible people who have low income get benefits deposited in to their EBT account. Once they get food stamp, people can purchase food items including seeds and plants to grow food in their house or backyard. It can be used at a grocery store, a supermarket, a farmer s market, and a shelter that serves meals. However, with all these great benefits, people still eat unhealthy because of too much time consuming, limited money, some food dessert area, and the benefits allow people to eat junk food. People who can cook and work need to buy all the ingredients, but in reality, it is hard to make time to shop before work or after work. People who have food stamps are low income people who needs to work for hours to support their family. When people who work need to shop, they need to think about open and close time for the grocery store, shopping time, traffic and finding parking space, waiting line to buy, and also time for going back to their house to drop off all the food and going to work if they are planning to shop before their shift. For example, When you go to the Costco or Walmart, there are long lines to purchase and countless cars in the parking lot. Costco is always busy with people thatShow MoreRelatedFood Stamps to SNAP Essay1030 Words  | 5 PagesFood Stamp is a government-funded program in the United States. This is a program that helps people buy food for their families; in other words, it is a very important program to families living in poverty. It is the nation’s most important program in the fight against hunger. 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A national survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010) estimated that more than two-thirds of Americans are now overweight or obese (body mass index of over 30), and the percentage is escalating. The Census Bureau (2011) reported 46.2 million people in America are currently living beneath the official poverty line. The official poverty rate in 2010 was 15.1 percent; up from 14.3 percentRead MoreFood Safety And Assistance Program1562 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferent programs to help the needy and keep the food regulated. The FDA and USDA have different programs and acts to help protect the people that buy the food products. There are tons of ways that food can be contaminated through the production process; for example, cross contamination. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides the assistance for low income families or individuals to purchase the nutritious food they need and the Hunger-Free Kids Act is a government run program that helps
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Honor Killing of Muslim Women Free Essays
Honor Killings of Muslim Women Introduction Killings in the name of honor are undoubtedly a disaster, an unlawful act, a terror against humanity. Honor Killings of Muslim women is an antique trend followed in Islam in which male members of family and social community deliberately kill women and girls of their family or tribes as a result of belief that they have conducted any shameful act and ruined the reputation of family or tribe. Honor Killings in Muslims has been inherited from the ancient tribal days of 1200 BC when no major religion was came into being thus honor killing has no direct relation to Religion. We will write a custom essay sample on Honor Killing of Muslim Women or any similar topic only for you Order Now The concept of Honor Killings has developed as a result of several attitudes in culture based on classes and background, and religious groups, where women is considered as a property of men and possess no rights. The alleged degradation is mostly based upon suspicions only and these suspicious behaviors include unacceptable style of dressing, willingly marrying anyone by own choice particularly with someone who belongs to opposing community or tribe, conducting immoral sexual acts, or even engaging in homosexual acts. Statistics show that about 20000 women become victim of honor killing every year particularly in Asia and Middle East (Fisk. R. , 2010, n. d. ). Honor Killing in the name of religion is the most hideous crimes and it is still occurring in most part of the worlds due to perceived shameful acts in the eyes of men and such tragic events have very valuable lesson in it for the educated and mature people. Discussion Pakistan, the Islamic republic country, is deliberated as one of the most harmful and dangerous country for women to live in because of growing rate of crime in form of honor killing and other related valiances. According to a survey conducted in this regard, it was discovered that Pakistan was the fifth largest country in which women were killed for dowry and honor. Islam and law both prohibits in punishing victims unless there sin is proved and honor killings take place on the basis of doubts and suspicions of men and groups. On the contrary Islam teaches to avoid punishment if there is a scope and does not consider pregnancy as an evidence of shameful sexual act. This is unfortunate that such terrible acts are false fully supported by few Islamic scholars who tend to justify these activates with respect to Islam. For instance; as per the saying of the Messenger of God in Islam that one should stop the crime with his own hands if he/she see it happening. These kinds of statements are misperceived by these scholars and play a vital role in encouraging honor killings of Women. These scholars promote the point of view of taking law into hands and treating women as an object (Mufti. N. M. et al. , 2012, pp. 180-185). One of the popular examples set by the honor-killing victim named as Mukhtar Mai from Punjab, Pakistan, whose brother was claimed of raping a girl from upper caste family, thus, it was decided by the tribe to punish her bother in form of a revenge in which Mukhtar Mai was raped by a gang in order to satisfy the other party and then was forced to commit suicide, so that her family restore their pride and honor. But Mukhtar Mai decided not to kill her self rather to fight against injustice. She belonged to a poor and illiterate culture, which was a real hindrance in her case and today she is running a school for women to educate them to raise voice against honor killings and injustice. She is a true figure for women in Pakistan who have been gang raped, spoiled faces with acid, and ripped nose as a result of Honor killings’ activities (Parker. H. , 2007, pp. 507-508). As per statistics, 300 women were found to be killed for honor in 1997 in Pakistan, 23 murders on average are done for sake of honor in Jordon every year, 36 honor crimes were occurred in Lebanon from 1996 to 1998 in small cities and villages, 400 women were murdered in Yemen and 52 such crimes were reported in Egypt in 1997. Whereas, acid attacks increased from 47 to 200 in Bangladesh and 5000 women are murdered by their in laws per year in India as a result of Honor Killings. Honor Crimes are also witnessed in European and Western Countries’ Immigrants communities. Because many women are unable to communicate to the state authority of the honor abuses due to linguistic issues. Such list of countries includes Germany, Sweden, Turkey, and UK. For instance, UK has witnessed 20 such deaths of women in the past five years due to honor crimes. India is a country which has sever traditions that are practiced even to date these include burning brides for sake of dowry, acid attacks, rapes and gang rapes, sexual harassments, illing and raping young girls etc and these apply to both Muslim and Hindu women in their culture. No matter how modernize a women becomes, but such kind of norm against women hardly changes (Tripathi. A. Yadav. S. , 2005, pp. 63-78). Lessons Learned It is understood that people who indulge into Honor killings of Women and girls have emotional attachment with their views, belief, culture and religion. They consider such issues as a mat ter of pride and respect. In order to hinder such acts I believe one has to take serious actions. According to my knowledge and understanding about the underlined topic, publishing and distributing actual Islamic sayings with references can reduce honor killings, more education should be given to people from all classes that marrying some one willingly is not a reason to kill anyone, print media and television should broadcasts open debates on these issues which are often avoided as a taboo, I believe one can use the mosque (A religious place of worship for Muslims) as a platform to educate illiterate people and notify them that it’s a crime, Government itself should contribute and initiate movements against such acts wherever honor killings are taken place in Muslim World. I believe it is everyone’s responsibility to stop this activity and nip the evil in the bud wherever witnessed for sake of saving humanity and women’s rights (Mufti. N. M. et al. , 2012, pp. 180-185). I believe such victims in case of survival should be provided with psychological rehabili tation and mental support. Encouraging people who so ever witness these crimes to report immediately to the concerned authority. Government should provide financial aid to NGOs who are continuously working for this cause. Both boys and girls should be educated about equal human rights from the childhood (Tripathi. A. Yadav. S. , 2005, pp. 63-78). Conclusion Honor Killings of Muslim women in the name of religion is just a means of escape for men, communities, tribal groups who believe in their so called norms, culture, tradition and values. Such terrible acts occur in almost every country where Muslims with conservative thinking are residing and they believe that women are just n object whose activities may affect their reputation severely. These acts should be stopped by law and religious teachings. Concerned authorities should take serious actions against criminals involved in honor killing and punish them strictly. Works Cited Fist. R. The Crime wave that shames the world. The Independent. (2010) Web. 11 Oct. 2012. http://www. independent. co. uk Mufti. N. M. et al. Honor Killing in Pakistan: An Islamic Perspective. Asian Social Science. vol 8 no. (10) (2012) pp. 180-185 Parker. H. Reviews: Killing Women for honor. Contemporary Review. (2007) pp. 507-508. Tripathi. A. Yadav. S. For the Sake of honor: But Whose Honor? Honor Crimes Against Women. Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law. vol 2 (2005) pp. 63-78. How to cite Honor Killing of Muslim Women, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Electoral College System Essay Research Paper After free essay sample
Electoral College System Essay, Research Paper After the last presidential election, which is still underway seemingly, there is much contention over what should go on to the Electoral College system. There are people who say that the Electoral College is good but should be modified to run into the demands of the modern universe. There are those who say that the Electoral College system is excessively outdated to be modified and should be wholly eliminated. Finally there are those who say that it is has stood the trial of clip and is still the best system for our state. The original framers of the fundamental law evidently preferred the electoral system to a direct popular election. The statement that historians give for this is that they preferred this system because travel was hard and there were no national party organisations. I personally reject this statement. I agree that travel was hard back so, but wouldn # 8217 ; t that have meant that the campaigner who lived closest to the most largest provinces would hold an un-fair advantage under the electoral system back so? The historiographers add that the framers feared that many regional campaigners would split the ballot, and that by necessitating a campaigner to win a bulk in the Electoral College was a manner of obtaining a national nose count. We will write a custom essay sample on Electoral College System Essay Research Paper After or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There have been many efforts to reform or even trash the Electoral College election sense it # 8217 ; s birth. The most recent one being in 1997 when Congress debated a constitutional amendment to replace the electoral system with a direct popular ballot system. However the Electoral College system to this twenty-four hours remains virtually un-changed from its original signifier. The lone exclusion is the 12th amendment, which requires each voter to project two ballots, one for president and one for frailty president. Under the current system there are five hundred and 30 eight voters. Each province gets one voter, each representative, and a senator. A presidential campaigner demands two hundred and seventy ballots to win the election. The voters meet after the November popular election to project their ballots and officially elect the president. Tocopherol readers may vote for whomever they wish. Each state’s electoral ballots are awarded on a victor take all bases. The statements to modify or extinguish the Electoral College system are all derived from the impression that it is outdated. Under the current system if a campaigner wins a big provinces like California, so they win 20 per centum of the needed ballots even though California merely accounts for 11 per centum of the U.S. population. What # 8217 ; s more is a president can be elected without winning a bulk of the popular ballot. This has happened 15 times in U.S. history. The fundamental law allows voters to utilize their discretion. Seven times in history an voter has non casted his ballot for the peoples pick. Fortunately this has non yet had a existent affect on the result of an election. Under the current system each states electoral ballots are awarded on a victor take all footing. This makes it highly hard for a 3rd party or independent campaigner to win any electoral ballots. In fact, by concentrating support in certain provinces, a campaigner can take the presidential term with out winning more popular ballots than his opposition. Harmonizing to the 1990 nose count, a campaigner merely needs to win 11 of the most to a great extent populated of the 50 provinces in order to take the presidential term. The statements to keep the Electoral College system are all derived from the impression that it has worked all right therefore far. There have been many efforts to reform the electoral system but none of them have been successful. This is due to the fact that no election system is perfect, but the current system has stood the trial of clip. It has neer rejected the victor of a popular ballot bulk. It ever produces clear and instantly known victors, so far. Geting rid of the Electoral College system would be deeply unsafe. Particularly with the manner modern elections are conducted. This would intend that the entirety of our runs would be a telecasting advertisement tarmac sort of run. We would be passing the American presidential run to whatever media advisor could out slick the other, and non needfully to the best campaigner for our state.
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